
Monday, November 2, 2009

How to run PHP applications on XAMPP?

Hi techies,

If are new to PHP then you are not alone me too alone when i was you where you are now. Even in the early stages of my learning experience i too don't know where to start. But after applying D-Formula i am done. But what this D-Formula all about? Desire, Direction, Dedication, and Discipline. That's it.

Let's elaborate the D-Formula. If you don't have a Desire to learn anything or if you don't know the Direction where you want to or if you don't have the Dedication that you can do anything or if you are not a Disciplined person then you are nothing. That is the D-Formula. i hope you like it.

Here a small motivation principle for you.
"Most people fail not because of lack of ability or intelligence but because of lack of desire, direction, dedication, and discipline."

Ok come guys lets learn some technical stuff. As our main intention is to master PHP programming. So to master PHP first of all you need a master. Just kidding!!!

Now a days most of the people are learning PHP. Why? Any special reasons? Yes, Its free! Its free!...Now you can also learn if you follow this simple tutorial. To start learning you should have PHP environment setting up on to your machine. Let's set up the PHP Environment.

Before installation a brief note on XAMPP. XAMPP(pronounce it as Zampp) is free and open source cross-platform web server package. XAMPP is an acronym for Cross platform(Linux, Unix or Windows), Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. Under single roof you can work with all the above mentioned things. Here our motto is to run the PHP applications. So to play with PHP first of all you need to have XAMPP installed on your machine(PC). XAMPP is free of cost. You dont need to worry about paying through credit cards or something else. Its free free free...Sounds great!! Isn't it?

Setting up of PHP environment through XAMPP in 4 Steps(Installation of XAMPP)

Step 1: Download XAMPP here

Step 2: Follow the below steps for successfull installation.

a) Double click on downloaded xampp version. I have downloaded the XAMPP 1.6.6a Win32(Basic Package). No matter whatever the version is the procedure is same for all.
b) Click on "Next" button.
c) Again click on "Next" button.
Note: Here you can install the XAMPP on your desired directory(Like C or D or E or F). By default its c:\xampp
d) Click on "Install".
Note: Here you can check all the check boxes or check only the above two i.e. Create xampp desktop icon and Create an Apache Friends XAMPP folder in the start menu.
Note: If you want to make Apache and MySQL to start automatically when you start the Windows OS Check the "Install Apache as service" and "Install MySQL as service".
e) After installation click "Finish" button.

Step 3: Start the XAMPP control panel.

Step 4: Test & Run. If you face any problems then try here

To test whether XAMPP installed successfully open up the browser(IE or Firefox or Netscape Navigator etc.) type localhost in the address bar. If you see orange colored screen with XAMPP for Windows appears on it then you done it.

To run a small PHP application, copy and paste the below code in notepad or any text editor.

echo "Hello World";

Save the program in the following location (c:\xampp\htdocs) and name it as "Test.php"

The things you should know before working with PHP is to know about htdocs folder. To run any PHP application keep you php file in the root folder of your Web Server. In this case(XAMPP), keep your .php file or the entire PHP project in htdocs folder which is a root folder. The htdocs folder will be in the following location c:\xampp\htdocs. Now to test whether its working, open up browser(IE or Mozilla) and type the same as i typed.


Hurrah!!!! I done it......Keep programming..;).